Source code for opetopy.NamedOpetope

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. module:: NamedOpetope
   :synopsis: Implementation of the named approach
              for opetopes

.. moduleauthor:: Cédric HT


from copy import deepcopy
from typing import ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

from opetopy.common import *

[docs]class Variable: """ A variable is just a string representing its name, annotated by an integer representing its dimension. """ dimension: int name: str
[docs] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """ Tests syntactic equality between two variables. Two variables are equal if they have the same dimension and the same name. """ if not isinstance(other, Variable): raise NotImplementedError return == and self.dimension == other.dimension
[docs] def __hash__(self): """ Return a hash of the variable. This is for Python purposes. """ return
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, dim: int) -> None: if dim < 0 and name is not None: raise DerivationError( "Variable decrlaration", "Dimension of new variable {name} must be >= 0 (is {dim})", name=name, dim=dim) self.dimension = dim = name
[docs] def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Variable): raise NotImplementedError return not (self == other)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{name}{dim}".format(, dim=self.dimension)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return
[docs] def toTex(self) -> str: """ Returns the string representation of the variable, which is really just the variable name. """ return
[docs]class Term(Dict[Variable, 'Term']): """ An :math:`n`-term is represented as follows: * If it is degenerate, then the boolean attribute :py:attr:`NamedOpetope.Term.degenerate` is set to ``True``, and :py:attr:`NamedOpetope.Term.variable` is set to the variable name of which the current term is the degeneracy. * If it is non degenerate, then the boolean attribute :py:attr:`NamedOpetope.Term.degenerate` is set to ``False``, :py:attr:`NamedOpetope.Term.variable` is set to the variable name of the root node, and this class is otherwise used as a ``dict`` mapping :math:`(n-1)`-variables in the source to other :math:`n`-terms. """ degenerate: bool variable: Optional[Variable]
[docs] def __contains__(self, var) -> bool: """ Checks if a variable is in the term. If the term is degenerate, always return ``False``. Otherwise, assume the term has dimension :math:`n`. * If the variable has dimension :math:`(n-1)`, then it checks against all keys in the underlying ``dict`` and if not found, calls the method recursively on all values of the underlying ``dict`` (which by construction are also :math:`n`-terms). * If the variable has :math:`n`, then it compares it to the root node (:py:attr:`NamedOpetope.Term.variable`), and if not equal, calls the method recursively on all values of the underlying ``dict`` (which by construction are also :math:`n`-terms). """ if not isinstance(var, Variable): raise NotImplementedError elif self.degenerate: return False elif var.dimension == self.dimension - 1: if var in self.keys(): return True else: for t in self.values(): if var in t: return True return False elif var.dimension == self.dimension: if var == self.variable: return True else: for t in self.values(): if var in t: return True return False else: return False
[docs] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """ Tests if two terms are syntactically equal. """ if not isinstance(other, Term): raise NotImplementedError elif self.variable is None and other.variable is None: return True elif self.variable != other.variable or \ self.degenerate != other.degenerate: return False elif len(self.keys()) == len(other.keys()): for k in self.keys(): if k not in other.keys() or self[k] != other[k]: return False return True else: return False
[docs] def __init__(self, var: Optional[Variable] = None, degen: bool = False) -> None: """ Creates a term from a :class:`NamedOpetope.Variable` ``var``. If it is ``None`` (default), then this term represents the unique :math:`(-1)`-term. """ self.degenerate = degen self.variable = var
[docs] def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return not (self == other)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: if self.dimension == -1: return "∅" elif self.degenerate: return "_" + str(self.variable) elif len(self.keys()) == 0: return str(self.variable) else: grafts = [str(k) + " ← " + str(self[k]) for k in self.keys()] return str(self.variable) + "(" + ", ".join(grafts) + ")"
@property def dimension(self) -> int: """ Returns the dimension of the term. If its :py:attr:`NamedOpetope.Term.variable` is ``None``, then it is :math:`-1` by convention. If it is degenerate, then it is the dimension of :py:attr:`NamedOpetope.Term.variable` :math:`+1`, otherwise just the dimension of :py:attr:`NamedOpetope.Term.variable`. """ if self.variable is None: return -1 elif self.degenerate: return self.variable.dimension + 1 else: return self.variable.dimension
[docs] def graftTuples(self) -> Set[Tuple[Variable, Variable]]: """ This helper function constructs the set of tuples (b, a) for all variables a and b such that the expression :math:`b \\leftarrow a (\\ldots)` occurs in the term. """ res = set() # type: Set[Tuple[Variable, Variable]] for k in self.keys(): if not self[k].degenerate: a = self[k].variable if a is None: raise RuntimeError( "[Term, graftTuples] An invalid / null term has been " "grafted at variable {var} in term {term}. In valid " "proof trees, this should not happen" .format(var=str(k), term=str(self))) res |= set({(k, a)}) | self[k].graftTuples() return res
[docs] def isVariable(self) -> bool: """ Tells wether this term is in fact just a variable. """ return self.variable is not None and not self.degenerate \ and len(self.keys()) == 0
[docs] def toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the term to TeX code. """ if self.dimension == -1 or self.variable is None: return "\\emptyset" elif self.degenerate: return "\\underline{" + self.variable.toTex() + "}" elif len(self.keys()) == 0: return self.variable.toTex() else: grafts = [k.toTex() + " \\leftarrow " + self[k].toTex() for k in self.keys()] return self.variable.toTex() + "(" + ", ".join(grafts) + ")"
[docs] def variables(self, k) -> Set[Variable]: """ Returns the set of all :math:`k` variables contained in the term. Note that degenerate terms don't containe any variables. :see: :meth:`NamedOpetope.Term.__contains__` """ if self.degenerate or self.variable is None: return set() else: res = set() # type: Set[Variable] if self.variable.dimension == k: res |= {self.variable} for a in self.keys(): if a.dimension == k: res |= {a} res |= self[a].variables(k) return res
[docs]class Type: """ An :math:`n`-type is a sequence of :math:`(n+1)` terms of dimension :math:`(n-1), (n-2), \\ldots, -1`. """ dimension: int terms: List[Term]
[docs] def __contains__(self, var) -> bool: """ Checks wether a given variable appears in at least one term of the type. """ if not isinstance(var, Variable): raise NotImplementedError for t in self.terms: if var in t: return True return False
[docs] def __init__(self, terms: List[Term]) -> None: """ Creates a new type from a list of term. The dimension is inferred from the length of the list, and the terms are checked to have the correct dimension. If the list has length :math:`(n+1)`, then the type's dimension will be :math:`n`, and the dimension of the :math:`i` th term in the list must be :math:`n - i - 1` (recall that Python index start at :math:`0`, whence the :math:`-1` correction factor). """ if len(terms) < 1: raise DerivationError( "Type declaration", "A type requires at least one term") self.dimension = len(terms) - 1 self.terms = terms for i in range(len(self.terms)): if self.terms[i].dimension != self.dimension - i - 1: raise DerivationError( "Type declaration", "Invalid dimensions in term list: {i}th term {term} has " "dimension {dim}, sould have {should}", i=i, term=str(self.terms[i]), dim=self.terms[i].dimension, should=self.dimension - i - 1)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return " ⊷ ".join([str(t) for t in self.terms])
[docs] def toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the type to TeX code. """ return " \\blackwhitespoon ".join([t.toTex() for t in self.terms])
[docs] def variables(self, k: int) -> Set[Variable]: """ Returns the set of all :math:`k` variables contained in the terms of the type. Note that degenerate terms don't containe any variables. :see: :meth:`NamedOpetope.Term.__contains__` :see: :meth:`NamedOpetope.Term.variables` """ res = set() # type: Set[Variable] for t in self.terms: res |= t.variables(k) return res
[docs]class Typing: """ A typing is simply an :math:`n`-term (:class:`NamedOpetope.Term`) together with an :math:`n`-type (:class:`NamedOpetope.Type`). """ term: Term type: Type
[docs] def __hash__(self): return self.toTex().__hash__()
[docs] def __init__(self, term, type) -> None: if term.dimension != type.dimension: raise DerivationError( "Typing declaration", "Dimension mismatch in typing: term has dimension {dterm}, " "type has dimension {dtype}", dterm=term.dimension, dtype=type.dimension) self.term = term self.type = type
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.term) + " : " + str(self.type)
def toTex(self) -> str: return self.term.toTex() + " : " + self.type.toTex()
[docs]class Context(Set[Typing]): """ A context is a set of tyings (see :class:`NamedOpetope.Typing`). """
[docs] def __add__(self, typing: Typing) -> 'Context': """ Adds a variable typing to a deep copy of the context context, if the typed variable isn't already typed in the context. """ if not typing.term.isVariable(): raise DerivationError( "Context, new typing", "Context typings only type variables, and {term} is not one", term=str(typing.term)) elif typing.term.variable in self: raise DerivationError( "Context, new typing", "Variable {var} is already yped in this context", var=str(typing.term.variable)) else: res = deepcopy(self) res.add(typing) return res
[docs] def __and__(self, other) -> 'Context': """ Returns the intersection of two contexts, i.e. the set of typings of the first context whose typed variable is in the second """ res = Context() for typing in self: if typing.term.variable in other: res += typing return res
[docs] def __contains__(self, var) -> bool: """ Tests wether the variable ``var`` is typed in this context. """ if not isinstance(var, Variable): raise NotImplementedError for typing in self: if Term(var) == typing.term: return True return False
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Variable: """ Returns the varible term in current context whose name is ``name``. """ for typing in self: if typing.term.isVariable and \ typing.term.variable is not None and \ == name: return typing.term.variable raise DerivationError( "Context, get variable", "Context types no variable named {name}", name=name)
[docs] def __or__(self, other): """ Returns the union of two compatible contexts. """ res = deepcopy(self) for t in other: if t.term.variable not in res: res += t return res
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return ", ".join([str(t) for t in self])
[docs] def graftTuples(self) -> Set[Tuple[Variable, Variable]]: """ Returns all tuples (b, a) for :math:`b \\leftarrow a (\\ldots)` a grafting occurring in a term in a type in the context. :see: :meth:`NamedOpetope.Term.graftTuples` :see: :func:`NamedOpetopicSet.repres` """ res = set() # type: Set[Tuple[Variable, Variable]] for typing in self: for t in typing.type.terms: res |= t.graftTuples() return res
[docs] def source(self, var: Variable, k: int = 1) -> Term: """ Returns the :mathm``k``-source of a variable. """ if k < 0 or k > var.dimension + 1: raise DerivationError( "Context, source computation", "Index out of bounds: dimension of variable {var} is {dim}, " "so index should be between 0 and {max} included " "(is {k})", var=str(var), dim=var.dimension, max=var.dimension + 1, k=k) elif var not in self: raise DerivationError( "Context, source computation", "Variable {var} with dimension {dim} is not typed in context, " "so computing its source is not possible", var=str(var), dim=var.dimension) elif k == 0: return Term(var) else: return self.typeOf(var).terms[k - 1]
[docs] def toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the type to TeX code. """ return ", ".join([t.toTex() for t in self])
[docs] def typeOf(self, var: Variable) -> Type: """ Returns the type of a variable. """ for typing in self: if typing.term == Term(var): return typing.type raise DerivationError( "Context, type computation", "Variable {var} with dimension {dim} is not typed in context, so " "computing its type is not possible", var=str(var), dim=var.dimension)
[docs] def variables(self) -> Set[Variable]: """ Return the set of all variables typed in the context. """ return set([typing.term.variable for typing in self if typing.term.variable is not None])
[docs]class EquationalTheory: """ An equational theory (among variables), is here represented as a partition of a subset of the set of all variables. Is is thus a list of sets of variables. (set of sets isn't possible as python ``set`` isn't hashable) """ classes: List[Set[Variable]]
[docs] def __add__(self, eq: Tuple[Variable, Variable]) -> 'EquationalTheory': """ Adds an equality (represented by a tuple of two :class:`NamedOpetope.Variable`) to the theory. """ a, b = eq if a.dimension != b.dimension: raise DerivationError( "Eq. th. extension", "Dimension mismatch in new equality {a} = {b}: respective " "dimensions are {da} and {db}", a=str(a), b=str(b), da=a.dimension, db=b.dimension) else: ia = self._index(a) ib = self._index(b) res = deepcopy(self) if ia == -1 and ib == -1: # Neither a nor b are in a class res.classes += [set({a, b})] elif ia == -1 and ib != -1: # b is in a class but not a res.classes[ib].add(a) elif ia != -1 and ib == -1: # a is in a class but not b res.classes[ia].add(b) elif ia != ib: # a and b are in different classes res.classes[ia] |= res.classes[ib] del res.classes[ib] return res
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self.classes = []
[docs] def __or__(self, other: 'EquationalTheory') -> 'EquationalTheory': """ Returns the union of two equational theories """ res = deepcopy(self) for cls in other.classes: lcls = list(cls) for i in range(1, len(lcls)): res += (lcls[0], lcls[i]) return res
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: cls = ["{" + ", ".join([str(x) for x in c]) + "}" for c in self.classes] return ", ".join(cls)
[docs] def _index(self, a: Variable) -> int: """ Returns the index (in :py:attr:`NamedOpetope.EquationalTheory.classes`) of the class of the variable ``a``, or `-1` of the class doesn't exist. """ for i in range(len(self.classes)): if a in self.classes[i]: return i return -1
[docs] def classOf(self, a: Variable) -> Set[Variable]: """ Returns the class of a variable. """ ia = self._index(a) if ia == -1: return set({a}) else: return self.classes[ia]
[docs] def equal(self, a: Variable, b: Variable) -> bool: """ Tells wether variables (:class:`NamedOpetope.Variable`) ``a`` and ``b`` are equal modulo the equational theory. """ ia = self._index(a) if ia == -1: return a == b else: return b in self.classes[ia]
[docs] def isIn(self, var: Variable, term: Term) -> bool: """ Tells wether a variable is in a term modulo the equational theory of the sequent. :see: :meth:`NamedOpetope.Term.__contains__`. """ for v in self.classOf(var): if v in term: return True return False
def toTex(self) -> str: cls = ["\\left\\{" + ", ".join([x.toTex() for x in c]) + "\\right\\}" for c in self.classes] return ", ".join(cls)
[docs]class OCMT: """ Opetopic context modulo theory. Basically the same as a :class:`NamedOpetope.Sequent`, without the typing. """ theory: EquationalTheory context: Context targetSymbol: str = "t"
[docs] def __init__(self, theory: EquationalTheory, context: Context) -> None: self.context = context self.theory = theory
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "{th}{ctx}".format(th=str(self.theory), ctx=str(self.context))
[docs] def equal(self, t: Term, u: Term) -> bool: """ Tells wether two terms ``t`` and ``u`` are equal modulo the equational theory. :see: Similar method for variables only: :meth:`NamedOpetope.EquationalTheory.equal` """ if t.variable is None or u.variable is None: if t.variable is not None or u.variable is not None: return False return True elif t.degenerate != u.degenerate: return False elif not self.theory.equal(t.variable, u.variable): return False elif len(t.keys()) != len(u.keys()): return False else: for kt in t.keys(): ku = None for l in u.keys(): if self.theory.equal(kt, l): ku = l break if ku is None: return False elif not self.equal(t[kt], u[ku]): return False return True
[docs] def isIn(self, var: Variable, term: Term) -> bool: """ Tells wether a variable is in a term modulo the equational theory of the sequent. :see: :meth:`NamedOpetope.EquationalTheory.isIn` :see: :meth:`NamedOpetope.Term.__contains__` """ return self.theory.isIn(var, term)
[docs] def source(self, var: Variable, k: int = 1) -> Term: """ Returns the :mathm``k``-source of a variable. :see: :meth:`NamedOpetope.Context.source` """ return self.context.source(var, k)
[docs] def target(self, var: Variable, k: int = 1) -> Variable: """ Returns the :math:`k` target of a variable. """ if var.dimension == 0: raise DerivationError( "OCMT, target computation", "Cannot compute target of 0-dimensional variable {var}", var=str(var)) else: return Variable((OCMT.targetSymbol * k) +, var.dimension - k)
def toTex(self) -> str: return self.theory.toTex() + " \\smalltriangleright " + \ self.context.toTex()
[docs] def typeOf(self, var: Variable) -> Type: """ Returns the type of a variable. :see: :meth:`NamedOpetope.Context.typeOf` """ return self.context.typeOf(var)
[docs]class Sequent(OCMT): """ A sequent consists of an equational theory (:class:`NamedOpetope.EquationalTheory`), a context (:class:`NamedOpetope.Context`), and a typing (:class:`NamedOpetope.Typing`). """ typing: Typing """ This variable specifies if contexts should be displayed in :meth:`NamedOpetope.Sequent.toTex` """ texContexts: ClassVar[bool] = True
[docs] def __init__(self, theory: EquationalTheory, context: Context, typing: Typing) -> None: super().__init__(theory, context) self.typing = typing
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "{th}{ctx}{typ}".format(th=str(self.theory), ctx=str(self.context), typ=str(self.typing))
[docs] def graft(self, t: Term, x: Variable, u: Term) -> Term: """ Grafts term (:class:`NamedOpetope.Term`) u on term t via variable (:class:`NamedOpetope.Variable`) x. In other words, computes :math:`t(x \\leftarrow u)`. """ for k in t.keys(): if self.theory.equal(k, x): raise DerivationError( "Sequent, grafting", "Variable {var} in term {term} has already been used for " "a grafting", var=str(x), term=str(t)) if t.variable is None: raise DerivationError( "Sequent, grafting", "Term to be grafted onto is empty") elif t.degenerate: if t.variable == x: return deepcopy(u) else: raise DerivationError( "Sequent, grafting", "Incompatible graft: term {term} is degenerate, so the " "grafting variable must be {var} (is {x})", term=str(t), var=str(t.variable), x=str(x)) else: r = deepcopy(t) if self.isIn(x, self.source(t.variable, 1)): r[x] = u else: for k in r.keys(): r[k] = self.graft(r[k], x, u) return r
[docs] def substitute(self, u: Term, s: Term, a: Variable) -> \ Tuple[Term, Optional[Tuple[Variable, Variable]]]: """ Substitute term (:class:`NamedOpetope.Term`) ``s`` for variable (:class:`NamedOpetope.Variable`) ``a`` in term ``u``. In other words, computes :math:`u[s/a]`. Returns a tuple containing 1. the resulting substitution 2. an new equality to add to the equational theory, or ``None`` """ if s.variable is None: raise DerivationError( "Sequent, substitute", "Cannot substitute in the null term") elif u.variable is None: raise DerivationError( "Sequent, substitute", "Cannot substitute with the null term") elif s.degenerate: if a in [v.variable for v in u.values()]: # a appears grafted on the root of u # ta = None # Term grafted in the root of u whose root is a # ka = None # Key of ta for k in u.keys(): if u[k].variable == a: ta = u[k] ka = k break if len(ta.keys()) == 0: # ta is just the variable a r = deepcopy(u) del r[ka] return (r, (s.variable, ka)) else: # ta has graftings on its root a if len(ta.values()) != 1: # that grafting should be unique assert RuntimeError("[Sequent, substitution] Term " "{term} was expected to be " "globular... In valid proof " "trees, this error shouldn't " "happen, so congratulations, " "you broke everything" .format(term=repr(ta))) r = deepcopy(u) r[ka] = list(ta.values())[0] return (r, (s.variable, ka)) else: r = deepcopy(u) e = None for k in r.keys(): r[k], f = self.substitute(r[k], s, a) if f is not None: e = f return (r, e) else: if self.theory.equal(u.variable, a): r = deepcopy(s) for k in u.keys(): r = self.graft(r, k, u[k]) return (r, None) else: r = deepcopy(u) for k in r.keys(): r[k] = self.substitute(r[k], s, a)[0] return (r, None)
def toTex(self) -> str: if Sequent.texContexts: return self.theory.toTex() + " \\smalltriangleright " + \ self.context.toTex() + \ " \\vdash_{" + str(self.typing.term.dimension) + "} " + \ self.typing.toTex() else: return self.theory.toTex() + " \\vdash_{" + \ str(self.typing.term.dimension) + "} " + self.typing.toTex()
[docs]def point(name: str) -> Sequent: """ The :math:`\\textbf{Opt${}^!$}` :math:`\\texttt{point}` rule. Introduces a :math:`0`-variable with name ``x``. """ t = Typing(Term(Variable(name, 0)), Type([Term()])) return Sequent(EquationalTheory(), Context() + t, t)
[docs]def shift(seq: Sequent, name: str) -> Sequent: """ The :math:`\\textbf{Opt${}^!$}` :math:`\\texttt{shift}` rule. Takes a sequent ``seq`` typing a term ``t`` and introduces a new variable ``x`` having ``t`` as :math:`1`-source. """ var = Variable(name, seq.typing.term.dimension + 1) if var in seq.context: raise DerivationError( "shift rule", "Variable {var} already typed in context", var=name) res = deepcopy(seq) typing = Typing(Term(var), Type([seq.typing.term] + seq.typing.type.terms)) res.context += typing res.typing = typing return res
[docs]def degen(seq: Sequent) -> Sequent: """ The :math:`\\textbf{Opt${}^!$}` :math:`\\texttt{degen}` rule. Takes a sequent typing a variable and produces a new sequent typing the degeneracy at that variable. """ if not seq.typing.term.isVariable(): raise DerivationError( "degen rule", "Term {term} typed in premiss sequent is expected to be a " "variable", term=str(seq.typing.term)) res = deepcopy(seq) var = res.typing.term.variable res.typing = Typing(Term(var, True), Type([Term(var)] + res.typing.type.terms)) return res
[docs]def degenshift(seq: Sequent, name: str) -> Sequent: """ The :math:`\\textbf{Opt${}^!$}` :math:`\\texttt{degen-shift}` rule. Applies the degen and the shift rule consecutively. """ return shift(degen(seq), name)
[docs]def graft(seqt: Sequent, seqx: Sequent, name: str) -> Sequent: """ The :math:`\\textbf{Opt${}^!$}` :math:`\\texttt{graft}` rule. Takes the following arguments: 1. ``seqt`` typing an :math:`n` term :math:`t` 2. ``seqx`` second typing an :math:`n` variable :math:`x` 3. an :math:`(n-1)` variable ``a`` onto which to operate the grafting, specified by its name ``name`` such that the two sequents are compatible, and the intersection of their context is essentially the context typing ``a`` and its variables. It then produces the :math:`n` term :math:`t(a \\leftarrow x)`. The way the intersection condition is checked is by verifying that the only variables typed in both contexts (modulo both theories) are those appearing in the type of ``a`` or of course ``a`` itself. """ if seqt.typing.term.variable is None: raise DerivationError( "graft rule", "First premiss sequent types an invalid / null term") elif seqx.typing.term.variable is None: raise DerivationError( "graft rule", "Second premiss sequent types an invalid / null term") a = Variable(name, seqt.typing.term.dimension - 1) # checking intersection inter = seqt.context & seqx.context typea = seqt.typeOf(a) if a not in seqt.context: # a in the first sequent raise DerivationError( "graft rule", "Graft variable {var} not typed in first sequent", var=str(a)) for i in range(0, a.dimension): # all variables in the type of a are in for v in typea.variables(i): # the context intersection if v not in inter: raise DerivationError( "graft rule", "Intersection of the two premiss contexts does not " "type variable {v} necessary to define variable {a}", v=str(v), a=str(a)) for typing in inter: # all variables in the intersection are in that of a w = typing.term.variable if w not in typea: raise DerivationError( "graft rule", "Intersection of the two premiss contexts, variable {v} " "is typed, but is not required to type variable {a}", v=str(w), a=a.toTex()) # checking rule hypothesis if not seqx.typing.term.isVariable(): raise DerivationError( "graft rule", "Second premiss sequent expected to type a variable (types " "{term})", term=str(seqx.typing.term)) elif a not in seqt.typing.type.terms[0]: raise DerivationError( "graft rule", "Graft variable {a} does not occur in the source of the term" "{term} grafted upon", a=str(a), term=str(seqt.typing.term)) elif a in seqt.typing.term: raise DerivationError( "graft rule", "Graft variable {a} occurs first premiss term {term}, meaning it " " has already been used for grafting", a=str(a), term=str(seqt.typing.term)) elif not seqt.equal(seqt.source(a, 1), seqx.source(seqx.typing.term.variable, 2)): raise DerivationError( "graft rule", "Variables {a} and {x} have incompatible shapes: s{a} = {sa}, " "while ss{x} = {ssx}", a=str(a), x=str(seqx.typing.term.variable), sa=str(seqt.source(a, 1)), ssx=str(seqx.source(seqx.typing.term.variable, 2))) # forming conclusion sequent theory = seqt.theory | seqx.theory # union of both theories context = seqt.context | seqx.context # union of both contexts term = seqt.graft(seqt.typing.term, a, seqx.typing.term) # new term s1, eq = seqt.substitute(seqt.typing.type.terms[0], # 1st source of seqx.typing.type.terms[0], a) # that new term type = deepcopy(seqt.typing.type) # the type of the new term is that of t type.terms[0] = s1 # except for the 1st source, which is s1 if eq is not None: # add new equation on theory if needed theory += eq return Sequent(theory, context, Typing(term, type))
[docs]class RuleInstance(AbstractRuleInstance): """ A rule instance of system :math:`\\textbf{Opt${}^!$}`. """
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Pure virtual method evaluating a proof tree and returning the final conclusion sequent, or raising an exception if the proof is invalid. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Point(RuleInstance): """ A class representing an instance of the ``point`` rule in a proof tree. """ variableName: str
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: self.variableName = name
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Point({})".format(self.variableName)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "Point({})".format(self.variableName)
[docs] def _toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the proof tree in TeX code. This method should not be called directly, use :meth:`NamedOpetope.RuleInstance.toTex` instead. """ return "\\AxiomC{}\n\t\\RightLabel{\\texttt{point}}\n\t" + \ "\\UnaryInfC{$" + self.eval().toTex() + "$}"
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Evaluates the proof tree, in this cases returns the point sequent by calling :func:`NamedOpetope.point`. """ return point(self.variableName)
[docs]class Degen(RuleInstance): """ A class representing an instance of the ``degen`` rule in a proof tree. """ proofTree: RuleInstance
[docs] def __init__(self, p: RuleInstance) -> None: """ Creates an instance of the ``degen`` rule and plugs proof tree ``p`` on the unique premise. """ self.proofTree = p
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Degen({})".format(repr(self.proofTree))
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "Degen({})".format(str(self.proofTree))
[docs] def _toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the proof tree in TeX code. This method should not be called directly, use :meth:`NamedOpetope.RuleInstance.toTex` instead. """ return self.proofTree._toTex() + \ "\n\t\\RightLabel{\\texttt{degen}}\n\t\\UnaryInfC{$" + \ self.eval().toTex() + "$}"
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Evaluates this instance of ``degen`` by first evaluating its premise, and then applying :func:`NamedOpetope.degenerate` on the resulting sequent. """ return degen(self.proofTree.eval())
[docs]class Shift(RuleInstance): """ A class representing an instance of the ``shift`` rule in a proof tree. """ proofTree: RuleInstance variableName: str
[docs] def __init__(self, p: RuleInstance, name: str) -> None: self.proofTree = p self.variableName = name
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Shift({}, {})".format(repr(self.proofTree), self.variableName)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "Shift({}, {})".format(str(self.proofTree), self.variableName)
[docs] def _toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the proof tree in TeX code. This method should not be called directly, use :meth:`NamedOpetope.RuleInstance.toTex` instead. """ return self.proofTree._toTex() + \ "\n\t\\RightLabel{\\texttt{shift}}\n\t\\UnaryInfC{$" + \ self.eval().toTex() + "$}"
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: return shift(self.proofTree.eval(), self.variableName)
[docs]class DegenShift(RuleInstance): """ A class representing an instance of the ``degen-shift`` rule in a proof tree. """ proofTree: RuleInstance
[docs] def __init__(self, p: RuleInstance, name: str) -> None: self.proofTree = Shift(Degen(p), name) self.eval()
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return repr(self.proofTree)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.proofTree)
[docs] def _toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the proof tree in TeX code. This method should not be called directly, use :meth:`NamedOpetope.RuleInstance.toTex` instead. """ return self.proofTree._toTex()
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: return self.proofTree.eval()
[docs]class Graft(RuleInstance): """ A class representing an instance of the ``graft`` rule in a proof tree. """ proofTree1: RuleInstance proofTree2: RuleInstance variableName: str
[docs] def __init__(self, p1: RuleInstance, p2: RuleInstance, a: str) -> None: """ Creates an instance of the ``graft`` rule at variable ``a``, and plugs proof tree ``p1`` on the first premise, and ``p2`` on the second. :see: :func:`NamedOpetope.graft`. """ self.proofTree1 = p1 self.proofTree2 = p2 self.variableName = a self.eval()
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Graft({p1}, {p2}, {a})".format(p1=repr(self.proofTree1), p2=repr(self.proofTree2), a=self.variableName)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "Graft({p1}, {p2}, {a})".format(p1=str(self.proofTree1), p2=str(self.proofTree2), a=self.variableName)
[docs] def _toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the proof tree in TeX code. This method should not be called directly, use :meth:`NamedOpetope.RuleInstance.toTex` instead. """ return self.proofTree1._toTex() + "\n\t" + self.proofTree2._toTex() + \ "\n\t\\RightLabel{\\texttt{graft-}$" + \ self.variableName + "$}\n\t\\BinaryInfC{$" + \ self.eval().toTex() + "$}"
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Evaluates this instance of ``graft`` by first evaluating its premises, and then applying :func:`NamedOpetope.graft` at variable ``self.variableName`` on the resulting sequents. """ return graft( self.proofTree1.eval(), self.proofTree2.eval(), self.variableName)
[docs]def Arrow(pointName: str = "a", arrowName: str = "f") -> RuleInstance: """ Returns the proof tree of the arrow, with cell names as specified in the arguments. """ return Shift(Point(pointName), arrowName)
[docs]def OpetopicInteger(n: int, pointName: str = "a", arrowName: str = "f", cellName: str = "A") -> RuleInstance: """ Returns the proof tree of the :math:`n`-th opetopic integer. * if ``n`` is 0, then the unique point is named ``pointName`` (default ``a``), and the unique :math:`2`-cell is named ``cellName`` (default ``A``). * otherwise, the points are named ``a_1``, ``a_2``, ... ``a_n-1`` (with added braces if the index exceeds 10, so that it is :math:`\\TeX` friendly), arrows ``f_1``, ... ``f_n``. Those names can be changed by specifying the ``pointName`` and ``arrowName`` arguments. The unique :math:`2`-cell is named ``cellName`` (default ``A``). """ if n < 0: raise DerivationError( "Opetopic integer", "Parameter n must be >=0 (is {n})", n=n) elif n == 0: return DegenShift(Point(pointName), cellName) else: def toTex(i: int) -> str: if 0 <= i and i < 10: return str(i) else: return "{" + str(i) + "}" pointNames = [pointName + "_" + toTex(i) for i in range(1, n + 1)] arrowNames = [arrowName + "_" + toTex(i) for i in range(1, n + 1)] arrows = [Shift(Point(pointNames[i - 1]), arrowNames[i - 1]) for i in range(1, n + 1)] res = arrows[0] # type: Union[Shift, Graft] for i in range(1, n): res = Graft(res, arrows[i], pointNames[i - 1]) return Shift(res, cellName)