Source code for opetopy.UnnamedOpetope

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. module:: UnnamedOpetope
   :synopsis: Implementation of the unnamed approach for opetopes

.. moduleauthor:: Cédric HT


from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

from opetopy.common import *

[docs]class Address: """ The :math:`0`-address :math:`*` is construced as:: Address.epsilon(0) More generally, the empty address is construced as:: Address.epsilon(n) Recall that an :math:`n`-address is by definition a sequence of :math:`(n-1)`-addresses. To append an :math:`(n-1)`-address to a :math:`n`-address, use the :meth:`Address.__add__` method. For instance, the following yields the :math:`1`-address :math:`[**]`:: Address.epsilon(1) + Address.epsilon(0) + Address.epsilon(0) Given two :math:`n`-addresses, it is possible to concatenate them using the :meth:`Address.__mul__` method. Following up on the previous examples, the following expression yields the address :math:`[****]`:: x = Address.epsilon(1) + Address.epsilon(0) + Address.epsilon(0) x * x """ dimension: int edges: List['Address']
[docs] def __add__(self, other) -> 'Address': """ Adds the :math:`(n-1)`-address ``other`` at the end of the sequence of :math:`(n-1)`-addresses that make up the :math:`n`-address ``self``. :warning: This is **not** concatenation (see :meth:`Address.__mul__`). """ if (self.dimension != other.dimension + 1): raise DerivationError( "Address extension", "Dimension mismatch: address {this} is {sdim} dimensional " "and cannot be extended by {other} which is {odim} " "dimensional", this=str(self), sdim=self.dimension, other=str(other), odim=other.dimension) result = deepcopy(self) result.edges += [other] return result
[docs] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """ Compares two addresses. Two addresses are equal if they have the same dimension and the same underlying list of addresses. """ if not isinstance(other, Address): raise NotImplementedError elif self.dimension == other.dimension and \ len(self.edges) == len(other.edges): for i in range(len(self.edges)): if self.edges[i] != other.edges[i]: return False return True else: return False
[docs] def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self))
[docs] def __init__(self, dim: int) -> None: """ Creates an empty address of dimension ``dim`` :math:`\\geq 0`. """ if (dim < 0): raise DerivationError( "Address creation", "New address must have dimension >= 0 (is {dim})", dim=dim) self.dimension = dim self.edges = [] # type: List[Address]
[docs] def __lt__(self, other: 'Address') -> bool: """ Compares two addresses with respect to the lexicographical order. """ if self.dimension != other.dimension: raise DerivationError( "Address comparison", "Cannot compare addresses {this} and {other} as dimensions do " "not match (are respectively {sdim} and {odim})", this=str(self), other=str(other), sdim=self.dimension, odim=other.dimension) for i in range(min(len(self.edges), len(other.edges))): if self.edges[i] < other.edges[i]: return True elif self.edges[i] > other.edges[i]: return False return len(self.edges) < len(other.edges)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other: 'Address') -> 'Address': """ Concatenates two :math:`n`-addresses by concatenating the underlying lists of :math:`(n-1)`-addresses. """ if (self.dimension != other.dimension): raise DerivationError( "Address concatenation", "Cannot concatenate addresses {this} and {other} as " "dimensions do not match (are respectively {sdim} and {odim})", this=str(self), other=str(other), sdim=self.dimension, odim=other.dimension) result = deepcopy(self) result.edges += other.edges return result
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Address({str}, {dim})".format( str=str(self), dim=str(self.dimension))
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Converts an address to a human readable string. The :math:`0`-dimensional empty address is represented by the symbol ``*``. """ if self == Address.epsilon(0): return '*' else: return '[' + ''.join(map(str, self.edges)) + ']'
[docs] @staticmethod def epsilon(dim: int) -> 'Address': """ Creates an empty address of dimension ``dim`` :math:`\\geq 0`. Internally just calls :meth:`Address.__init__`. """ return Address(dim)
[docs] def edgeDecomposition(self) -> Tuple['Address', 'Address']: """ If the current address is of the form :math:`[p[q]]` (or equivalently, not an epsilon address), returns the tuple :math:`([p], [q])`. """ if self.isEpsilon(): raise DerivationError( "Address, inner edge decomposition", "Current is not an epsilon address") p = Address(self.dimension) p.edges = self.edges[:-1] q = self.edges[-1] return (p, q)
[docs] def isEpsilon(self) -> bool: """ Simply tells wither the current address is of the form :math:`[]`. """ return len(self.edges) == 0
[docs] @staticmethod def fromList(l: List[Any], dim: int) -> 'Address': """ Recursibely create an address of dimension ``dim`` from a list of lists that themselves represent addresses. The empty address is represented by ``[]``, and ``'*'`` represents the :math:`0`-dimensional empty address. """ if (dim < 0): raise DerivationError( "Address creation", "New address must have dimension >= 0 (is {dim})", dim=dim) if len(l) == 0: return Address.epsilon(dim) la = [] # type: List[Address] for x in l: if x == []: la += [Address.epsilon(dim - 1)] elif x == '*': la += [Address.epsilon(0)] else: la += [Address.fromList(x, dim - 1)] return Address.fromListOfAddresses(la)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromListOfAddresses(l: List['Address']) -> 'Address': """ Creates an address from a non empty list of addresses. """ if len(l) == 0: raise DerivationError( "Address creation", "Cannot create address from an empty list of addresses") else: a = l[0].shift() for b in l[1:]: a += b return a
[docs] def shift(self, n: int = 1) -> 'Address': """ Returns the curent address shifted by :math:`n` dimensions. Example: :math:`[[][*]]` ``.shift(2)`` is :math:`[[[[][*]]]]` """ if n < 0: raise DerivationError( "Address shift", "Shift exponent must be >= 0 (is {dim})", dim=n) elif n == 0: return self else: return Address.epsilon(self.dimension + n) + self.shift(n - 1)
[docs] @staticmethod def substitution(a: 'Address', b: 'Address', c: 'Address') -> 'Address': """ If the underlying sequence of ``b`` is a prefix of that of ``a``, then replaces this prefix by the underlying sequence of ``c``. Example: ``substitution(`` :math:`[[*][**]]` ``,`` :math:`[[*]]` ``,`` :math:`[[][]]` ``)`` is :math:`[[][][**]]` """ if not (a.dimension == b.dimension and b.dimension == c.dimension): raise DerivationError( "Address substitution", "Cannot substitute prefix {a} of {b} by {c} as dimensions do " "not match (are respectively {ad}, {bd}, and {cd})", a=str(a), b=str(b), c=str(c), ad=str(a.dimension), bd=str(b.dimension), cd=str(c.dimension)) if a.edges[0:len(b.edges)] == b.edges: r = deepcopy(a) r.edges[0:len(b.edges)] = c.edges return r else: return a
[docs] def toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the address to TeX code. """ if self == Address.epsilon(0): return '*' elif len(self.edges) == 0: return '[]' else: return '[' + ''.join(map(Address.toTex, self.edges)) + ']'
[docs]class Context(Dict[Address, Address]): """ A :math:`(n+1)`-context can be seen as a partial injective function from the set :math:`\\mathbb{A}_n` of :math:`n`-addresses to the set :math:`\\mathbb{A}_{n-1}` of :math:`(n-1)`-addresses. """ dimension: int
[docs] def __add__(self, other: Tuple[Address, Address]) -> 'Context': """ Adds a tuple of the form (math:`n`-address, :math:`(n-1)`-address) to the :math:`(n+1)`-context ``self``. """ if other[0].dimension != other[1].dimension + 1: raise DerivationError( "Context extension", "New mapping {a} -> {b} is ill-formed as dimensions do not " "match (are respectively {ad} and {bd}", a=str(other[0]), b=str(other[1]), ad=str(other[0].dimension), bd=str(other[1].dimension)) elif other[0].dimension + 1 != self.dimension: raise DerivationError( "Context extension", "New mapping {a} -> {b} cannot be added to context {this} as " "dimension do not match (context has dimension {sdim}, " "first address has dimension {ad}, should have dimension " "{should}", a=str(other[0]), b=str(other[1]), this=str(self), sdim=self.dimension, ad=str(other[0].dimension), should=str(self.dimension - 1)) elif other[0] in self.keys(): raise DerivationError( "Context extension", "New mapping {a} -> {b} cannot be added to context {this} as " "first address is already present in context", a=str(other[0]), b=str(other[1]), this=str(self)) elif other[1] in self.values(): raise DerivationError( "Context extension", "New mapping {a} -> {b} cannot be added to context {this} as " "second address is already present in context", a=str(other[0]), b=str(other[1]), this=str(self)) r = deepcopy(self) r[other[0]] = other[1] return r
[docs] def __call__(self, addr: Address) -> Address: """ If ``self`` is an `(n+1)`-context, returns the node :math:`(n-1)`-address associated to the given leaf :math:`n`-address ``addr``. Raises an exception if not defined. """ if not self.definedOnLeaf(addr): raise DerivationError( "Context call", "Context {this} is not defined on leaf {addr}", this=str(self), addr=str(addr)) return self[addr]
[docs] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """ Tests equality between two contexts. Two contexts are equal if they have the same dimension and if the partial mapping :math:`\\mathbb{A}_n \\longrightarrow \\mathbb{A}_{n-1}` they represent are (extentionally) equal. """ if not isinstance(other, Context): raise NotImplementedError return self.dimension == other.dimension and dict.__eq__(self, other)
[docs] def __init__(self, dim: int) -> None: """ Creates an empty context of dimension :math:`\\geq 0`. """ if (dim < 0): raise DerivationError( "Context creation", "Context must have dimension >= 0 (is {dim})", dim=dim) self.dimension = dim
[docs] def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return not (self == other)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Converts a context to a human readable string. """ if len(self) == 0: return "{}" else: res = [str(x) + " ↦ " + str(self[x]) for x in sorted(list(self.keys()))] return "{\n " + "\n ".join(res) + "\n}"
[docs] def __sub__(self, addr: Address) -> 'Context': """ Removes a address ``addr`` from the domain of definition of the context. """ if not self.definedOnLeaf(addr): raise DerivationError( "Context restriction", "Context {this} does not contain leaf {addr}", this=str(self), addr=str(addr)) r = deepcopy(self) del r[addr] return r
[docs] def definedOnLeaf(self, addr: Address) -> bool: """ Returns wether the context is defined on address ``addr``. """ return addr in self.keys()
[docs] def leaves(self) -> Set[Address]: """ Returns the set of addresses on which the context is defined. """ return set(self.keys())
def toTex(self) -> str: res = ["\\frac{" + x.toTex() + "}{" + self(x).toTex() + "}" for x in sorted(self.leaves())] return ", ".join(res)
[docs]class Preopetope: """ Main class of the module. """ dimension: int degeneracy: Optional['Preopetope'] isDegenerate: bool nodes: Dict[Address, 'Preopetope']
[docs] def __add__(self, t: Tuple[Address, 'Preopetope']) -> 'Preopetope': """ Adds a (:math:`(n-1)`-address, :math:`(n-1)`-preopetope) tuple ``t`` to the non degenerate ``self`` :math:`n`-preopetope. The :math:`(n-1)`-address must not be present. """ if self.isDegenerate: raise DerivationError( "Preopetope extension", "Cannot add an address to a degenerate preopetope") elif t[0].dimension != t[1].dimension: raise DerivationError( "Preopetope extension", "Cannot add address {addr} to preopetope {this} as dimension " "do not match (are respectively {adim} and {sdim})", addr=str(t[0]), this=str(self), adim=t[0].dimension, sdim=self.dimension) elif t[0].dimension + 1 != self.dimension: raise DerivationError( "Preopetope extension", "Specified extension {addr} : {p} cannot be added to " "preopetope as dimension don't match (address dimension is " "{adim}, should be {should})", addr=str(t[0]), p=str(t[1]), adim=t[0].dimension, should=self.dimension - 1) elif t[0] in self.nodes.keys(): raise DerivationError( "Preopetope extension", "Address {addr} already present in preopetope {this}", addr=str(t[0]), this=str(self)) else: u = deepcopy(self) u.nodes[t[0]] = t[1] return u
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Tests equality between two preopetopes. Two preopetopes are equal if they have the same dimension, and if either * they are both degenerate on the same preopetope; * they are both non degenerate, have the same (address, preopetope) tuples. """ if not isinstance(other, Preopetope): raise NotImplementedError elif self.dimension != other.dimension: return False elif self.isDegenerate ^ other.isDegenerate: return False elif set(self.nodes.keys()) != set(other.nodes.keys()): return False else: for k in self.nodes.keys(): if self.nodes[k] != other.nodes[k]: return False return True
[docs] def __init__(self, dim: int) -> None: """ Inits an **invalid** preopetope of dimension ``dim``. This method should not be called directly. """ if (dim < -1): raise DerivationError( "Preopetope creation", "Preopetope must have dimension >= -1 (is {dim})", dim=dim) self.dimension = dim self.isDegenerate = False self.nodes = {}
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Converts a preopetope to a human readable string. The :math:`(-1)`-preopetope is represented by ``"∅"``, the :math:`0`-preopetope by ``"⧫"``, and the unique :math:`1`-preopetope by ``"■"``. """ if self.dimension == -1: return "∅" elif self.dimension == 0: return "⧫" elif self == Preopetope.fromDictOfPreopetopes({ Address.epsilon(0): Preopetope.point()}): return "■" elif self.isDegenerate: return "degen({d})".format(d=str(self.degeneracy)) else: res = [str(x) + ": " + str(self.nodes[x]).replace("\n", "\n ") for x in sorted(self.nodes)] return "{\n " + "\n ".join(res) + "\n}"
[docs] def __sub__(self, addr: Address) -> 'Preopetope': """ Removes source at address ``addr``. """ if addr not in self.nodeAddresses(): raise DerivationError( "Preopetope restriction", "Cannot remove address {addr} from preopetope {this} as it is " "not present", addr=str(addr), this=str(self)) r = deepcopy(self) del r.nodes[addr] return r
[docs] @staticmethod def degenerate(q: 'Preopetope') -> 'Preopetope': """ Constructs the degenerate preopetope at ``q``. """ if q.dimension < 0: raise DerivationError( "Preopetope degeneration", "Cannot degenerate the (-1)-preopetope") p = Preopetope(q.dimension + 2) p.degeneracy = q p.isDegenerate = True return p
[docs] @staticmethod def empty() -> 'Preopetope': """ Constructs the unique :math:`(-1)`-preopetope. """ return Preopetope(-1)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromDictOfPreopetopes(d: Dict[Address, 'Preopetope']) -> 'Preopetope': """ Creates a non degenerate preopetope from a ``dict`` of preopetopes indexed by their addresses. """ if len(d) == 0: raise DerivationError( "Preopetope creation", "Cannot create preopetope from an empty dictionnary") items = list(d.items()) p = Preopetope(items[0][0].dimension + 1) + items[0] for t in items[1:]: p += t return p
[docs] @staticmethod def grafting(p: 'Preopetope', addr: Address, q: 'Preopetope') -> 'Preopetope': """ Grafts the :math:`n`-preopetope ``q`` on the :math:`n`-preopetope ``p`` at address ``addr``. For improper grafting, see :meth:`UnnamedOpetope.Preopetope.improperGrafting` """ if p.dimension != q.dimension: raise DerivationError( "Preopetope grafting", "Cannot graft preopetope {q} on {p} as dimensions do not " "match (are respectively {qd} and {pd}", p=str(p), q=str(q), pd=p.dimension, qd=q.dimension) elif p.dimension != addr.dimension + 1: raise DerivationError( "Preopetope grafting", "Cannot graft preopetope {q} on {p} at address {addr} as " "dimensions of address do not match that of the preopetopes " "(preopetopes have dimension {d}, address has dimension {ad}, " "should have {should}", p=str(p), q=str(q), d=p.dimension, ad=addr.dimension, should=p.dimension - 1) else: r = p for t in list(q.nodes.items()): r += (addr * t[0], t[1]) return r
[docs] @staticmethod def improperGrafting(p: 'Preopetope', addr: Address, q: 'Preopetope'): """ Performs the improper grafting of the :math:`(n-1)`-preopetope ``q`` on the :math:`n`-preopetope ``p`` at address ``addr``. For proper grafting, see :meth:`UnnamedOpetope.Preopetope.grafting` """ return p + (addr, q)
[docs] def leafAddresses(self) -> Set[Address]: """ Returnst the set of leaf addresses of the preopetope. """ res = [] # type: List[Address] for p in self.nodeAddresses(): for q in self.source(p).nodeAddresses(): if p + q not in self.nodeAddresses(): res += [p + q] return set(res)
[docs] def nodeAddresses(self) -> Set[Address]: """ Returns the set of node addresses of the preopetope. """ return set(self.nodes.keys())
[docs] @staticmethod def point() -> 'Preopetope': """ Constructs the unique :math:`0`-preopetope. """ return Preopetope(0)
def source(self, addr: Address) -> 'Preopetope': if addr not in self.nodes.keys(): raise DerivationError( "Preopetope source", "Address {addr} not in preopetope {this}", addr=str(addr), this=str(self)) return self.nodes[addr]
[docs] @staticmethod def substitution(p: 'Preopetope', addr: Address, ctx: Context, q: 'Preopetope'): """ In the :math:`n`-preopetope ``p``, substitute the source at address ``addr`` by the :math:`(n-1)`-preopetope ``q``. The context ``ctx`` must be defined on all leaves of ``q`` (see :meth:`UnnamedOpetope.Context.__call__`). """ for leaf in q.leafAddresses(): if not ctx.definedOnLeaf(leaf): raise DerivationError( "Preopetope substitution", "Cannot substitute with {q} in {p} as ambient context " "{ctx} is not defined on leaf {leaf}", p=str(p), q=str(q), ctx=str(ctx), leaf=str(leaf)) if addr not in p.nodeAddresses(): raise DerivationError( "Preopetope substitution", "Cannot substitute in {p} at address {addr} as it is not in " "the preopetope", p=str(p), addr=str(addr)) elif addr.dimension + 1 != q.dimension: raise DerivationError( "Preopetope substitution", "Cannot substitute with {q} in {p} as dimensions mismatch " "(the former has dimension {qd}, should have {pd}", p=str(p), q=str(q), pd=p.dimension, qd=q.dimension) if q.isDegenerate: if len(p.nodeAddresses()) == 1: # if p has only one node return q else: # otherwise, the node at addr must be globular r = Preopetope(p.dimension) for a in p.nodeAddresses(): r += ( Address.substitution( a, addr + Address.epsilon(p.dimension - 2), addr ), p.source(a) ) return r else: r = Preopetope(p.dimension) for a in q.nodeAddresses(): # adding nodes of q r += (addr * a, q.source(a)) for a in (p - addr).nodeAddresses(): # adding nodes of p b = a for l in ctx.leaves(): c = Address.substitution(a, addr + ctx(l), addr * l) if c != a: b = c break r += (b, p.source(a)) return r
[docs] def toDict(self) -> Dict[Optional[Address], Dict]: """ Transforms the current preopetope into a ``dict``. """ if self.isDegenerate: if self.degeneracy is None: raise RuntimeError( "Preopetope, to dict", "Preopetope is degenerate but doesn't have any " "degeneracy. In valid derivations, this should not happen") return {None: self.degeneracy.toDict()} else: if self.nodes is None: raise RuntimeError( "Preopetope, to dict", "Preopetope is not degenerate but doesn't have any " "node dict. In valid derivations, this should not happen") res = {} # type: Dict[Optional[Address], Dict] for addr in self.nodes.keys(): res[addr] = self.nodes[addr].toDict() return res
[docs] def toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the preopetope to TeX code. """ if self.dimension == -1: return "\\emptyset" elif self.dimension == 0: return "\\optZero" elif self == Preopetope.fromDictOfPreopetopes({ Address.epsilon(0): Preopetope.point()}): return "\\optOne" elif self.isDegenerate: if self.degeneracy is None: raise RuntimeError("[Preopetope, toTex] Preopetope marked " "degenerate but the underlying preopetope " "is undefined. In valid proof trees, this " "should not happen") return "\\degenopetope{" + self.degeneracy.toTex() + "}" else: res = [x.toTex() + " \\sep " + self.nodes[x].toTex() for x in sorted(self.nodes)] return "\\opetope{" + " \\\\ ".join(res) + "}"
[docs]class Sequent: """ A sequent is a triple consisting of an :math:`n`-context, a source :math:`n`-preopetope, and a target :math:`(n-1)`-preopetope. """ context: Context source: Preopetope target: Preopetope
[docs] def __init__(self, ctx: Context, s: Preopetope, t: Preopetope) -> None: """ Creates a sequent from an :math:`n`-context ``ctx``, an :math:`n`-preopetope ``s``, and an :math:`(n-1)`-preopetope ``t``. """ if not (ctx.dimension == s.dimension and s.dimension == t.dimension + 1): raise DerivationError( "Sequent creation", "Dimension mismatch between the context, source, and target " "(are respectively {cd}, {sd}, and {td}): the context and " "should have the same dimension, while the target should have " "1 less", cd=ctx.dimension, sd=s.dimension, td=t.dimension) self.context = ctx self.source = s = t
[docs] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Sequent): raise NotImplementedError else: return self.context == other.context and \ self.source == other.source and \ ==
[docs] def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return not (self == other)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Converts a sequent to a human readable string. """ return "ctx = {ctx}\nsrc = {src}\ntgt = {tgt}".format( ctx=self.context, src=self.source, )
def toTex(self) -> str: return self.context.toTex() + " \\vdash " + self.source.toTex() + \ " \\longrightarrow " +
[docs]def point() -> Sequent: """ The :math:`\\textbf{Opt${}^?$}` :math:`\\texttt{point}` rule. Create the unique :math:`0`-opetope with no premises. """ return Sequent(Context(0), Preopetope.point(), Preopetope.empty())
[docs]def degen(seq: Sequent) -> Sequent: """ The :math:`\\textbf{Opt${}^?$}` :math:`\\texttt{degen}` rule. From an :math:`n`-opetope :math:`\\omega`, creates the degenerate :math:`(n+2)`-opetope :math:`\\lbrace \\lbrace \\omega`. """ n = seq.source.dimension return Sequent( Context(n + 2) + (Address.epsilon(n + 1), Address.epsilon(n)), Preopetope.degenerate(seq.source), Preopetope.fromDictOfPreopetopes({ Address.epsilon(n): seq.source }) )
[docs]def shift(seq: Sequent) -> Sequent: """ The :math:`\\textbf{Opt${}^?$}` :math:`\\texttt{shift}` rule. From an :math:`n`-opetope :math:`\\omega`, creates the globular :math:`(n+1)`-opetope :math:`\\lbrace []: \\omega`. """ n = seq.source.dimension ctx = Context(n + 1) for a in seq.source.nodeAddresses(): ctx += (a.shift(), a) return Sequent( ctx, Preopetope.fromDictOfPreopetopes({ Address.epsilon(n): seq.source }), seq.source )
[docs]def graft(seq1: Sequent, seq2: Sequent, addr: Address) -> Sequent: """ The :math:`\\textbf{Opt${}^?$}` :math:`\\texttt{graft}` rule. From an :math:`n`-opetope :math:`\\omega` (in sequent ``seq1``), an :math:`(n-1)`-opetope :math:`\\psi` (in sequent ``seq2``), and a leaf of :math:`\\omega`, creates the opetope :math:`\\omega \\circ_{\\mathrm{addr}} \\mathsf{Y}_{\\psi}`. """ r = seq1.context(addr) ctx = Context(seq1.context.dimension) for a in seq2.source.nodeAddresses(): ctx += (addr + a, r * a) for a in (seq1.context - addr).leaves(): b = seq1.context(a) for x in seq2.context.leaves(): y = seq2.context(x) c = Address.substitution(b, r + y, r * x) if b != c: b = c break ctx += (a, b) return Sequent( ctx, Preopetope.improperGrafting(seq1.source, addr, seq2.source), Preopetope.substitution(, r, seq2.context, seq2.source ) )
[docs]class RuleInstance(AbstractRuleInstance): """ A rule instance of system :math:`\\textbf{Opt${}^?$}`. """
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Pure virtual method evaluating a proof tree and returning the final conclusion sequent, or raising an exception if the proof is invalid. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Point(RuleInstance): """ A class representing an instance of the ``point`` rule in a proof tree. """
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "Point()"
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Point()"
[docs] def _toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the proof tree in TeX code. This method should not be called directly, use :meth:`UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance.toTex` instead. """ return "\\AxiomC{}\n\t\\RightLabel{\\texttt{point}}\n\t" + \ "\\UnaryInfC{$" + self.eval().toTex() + "$}"
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Evaluates the proof tree, in this cases returns the point sequent by calling :func:`UnnamedOpetope.point`. """ return point()
[docs]class Degen(RuleInstance): """ A class representing an instance of the ``degen`` rule in a proof tree. """ proofTree: RuleInstance
[docs] def __init__(self, p: RuleInstance) -> None: """ Creates an instance of the ``degen`` rule and plugs proof tree ``p`` on the unique premise. """ self.proofTree = p
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "Degen({})".format(repr(self.proofTree))
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Degen({})".format(str(self.proofTree))
[docs] def _toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the proof tree in TeX code. This method should not be called directly, use :meth:`UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance.toTex` instead. """ return self.proofTree._toTex() + \ "\n\t\\RightLabel{\\texttt{degen}}\n\t\\UnaryInfC{$" + \ self.eval().toTex() + "$}"
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Evaluates this instance of ``degen`` by first evaluating its premise, and then applying :func:`UnnamedOpetope.degen` on the resulting sequent. """ return degen(self.proofTree.eval())
[docs]class Shift(RuleInstance): """ A class representing an instance of the ``shift`` rule in a proof tree. """ proofTree: RuleInstance
[docs] def __init__(self, p: RuleInstance) -> None: """ Creates an instance of the ``shift`` rule and plugs proof tree ``p`` on the unique premise. """ self.proofTree = p
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "Shift({})".format(repr(self.proofTree))
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Shift({})".format(str(self.proofTree))
[docs] def _toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the proof tree in TeX code. This method should not be called directly, use :meth:`UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance.toTex` instead. """ return self.proofTree._toTex() + \ "\n\t\\RightLabel{\\texttt{shift}}\n\t\\UnaryInfC{$" + \ self.eval().toTex() + "$}"
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Evaluates this instance of ``shift`` by first evaluating its premise, and then applying :func:`UnnamedOpetope.shift` on the resulting sequent. """ return shift(self.proofTree.eval())
[docs]class Graft(RuleInstance): """ A class representing an instance of the ``graft`` rule in a proof tree. """ proofTree1: RuleInstance proofTree2: RuleInstance
[docs] def __init__(self, p1: RuleInstance, p2: RuleInstance, addr: Address) -> None: """ Creates an instance of the ``graft`` rule at address ``addr``, and plugs proof tree ``p1`` on the first premise, and ``p2`` on the second. Recall that the opetope described in the second premise will be impropely grafted on that of the first. See :func:`UnnamedOpetope.graft`. """ self.proofTree1 = p1 self.proofTree2 = p2 self.addr = addr
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "Graft({p1}, {p2}, {addr})".format(p1=repr(self.proofTree1), p2=repr(self.proofTree2), addr=repr(self.addr))
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Graft({p1}, {p2}, {addr})".format(p1=str(self.proofTree1), p2=str(self.proofTree2), addr=str(self.addr))
[docs] def _toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the proof tree in TeX code. This method should not be called directly, use :meth:`UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance.toTex` instead. """ return self.proofTree1._toTex() + "\n\t" + self.proofTree2._toTex() + \ "\n\t\\RightLabel{\\texttt{graft-}$" + self.addr.toTex() + \ "$}\n\t\\BinaryInfC{$" + self.eval().toTex() + "$}"
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Evaluates this instance of ``graft`` by first evaluating its premises, and then applying :func:`UnnamedOpetope.graft` at address `self.addr` on the resulting sequents. """ return graft(self.proofTree1.eval(), self.proofTree2.eval(), self.addr)
[docs]def address(lst: Union[List[Any], str], dim: Optional[int] = None) -> Address: """ Similar to :meth:`Address.fromList`, except the name is shorter, and the dimension is inferred if possible. Otherwise, an exception is thrown. Here are some examples: >>> address('*') Address(*, 0) >>> address([['*'], [], ['*', '*']]) Address([[*][][**]], 2) """ def dimension(k: Any) -> Optional[int]: """ Tries to infer the dimension. """ if k == []: return None elif k == '*': return 0 elif isinstance(k, list): i = None # type: Optional[int] for a in k: j = dimension(a) if i is None: i = j elif j is not None and i != j: # Contradictory dim inferrences return None if i is None: return None else: return i + 1 else: raise NotImplementedError("[Address from list] Incompatible type: " "a list representation of an address " "(LA) for short, is either the string " "'*', or a list of LA") if isinstance(lst, str): if lst == '*': return Address.epsilon(0) else: raise DerivationError( "Address from list", "The following expression does not represent an address: " "{lst}", lst=lst) elif dim is not None: return Address.fromList(lst, dim) d = dimension(lst) if d is None: raise DerivationError( "Address from list", "Cannot infer dimension of list {lst}", lst=lst) else: return Address.fromList(lst, d)
[docs]def Arrow() -> RuleInstance: """ Returns the proof tree of the arrow. """ return Shift(Point())
[docs]def OpetopicInteger(n: int) -> RuleInstance: """ Returns the sequent nth opetopic integer. """ if n < 0: raise DerivationError( "Opetopic integer", "Argument is expected to be >= 0") elif n == 0: return Degen(Point()) elif n == 1: return Shift(Arrow()) else: return Graft(OpetopicInteger(n - 1), Arrow(), address(['*'] * (n - 1)))
[docs]def OpetopicTree(tree: Optional[List[Any]]) -> RuleInstance: """ Returns the proof tree of the :math:`3`-opetope corresponding to a tree. The tree is expressed as a recursive list. For instance, ``[None, [[None], None], None, None]`` corresponds to :math:`\\mathsf{Y}_{\\mathbf{4}} \\circ_{[[*]]} \\left( \\mathsf{Y}_{\\mathbf{2}} \\circ_{[]} \\mathsf{Y}_{\\mathbf{1}} \\right)` while ``None`` corresponds to the degenerate opetope at the arrow. """ def toDict(lst: Optional[List[Any]]) -> Dict[Address, RuleInstance]: if lst is None: return {} else: res = { address([], 2): OpetopicInteger(len(lst)) } # type: Dict[Address, RuleInstance] for i in range(len(lst)): if lst[i] is not None and not isinstance(lst[i], list): raise DerivationError( "Opetopic tree", "A tree is expected to be either none or a list of " "trees") d = toDict(lst[i]) for a in d.keys(): res[address([['*'] * i], 2) * a] = d[a] return res if tree is None: return Degen(Arrow()) else: d = toDict(tree) sa = sorted(d.keys()) res = Shift(d[address([], 2)]) # type: RuleInstance for i in range(1, len(sa)): res = Graft(res, d[sa[i]], sa[i]) return res
[docs]def ProofTree(p: Dict[Optional[Address], Dict]) -> RuleInstance: """ Returns the proof tree of a preopetope described as a dict, or raises a :class:`common.DerivationError` if the preopetope is not an opetope. For ``T`` the type of the argument, ``T`` is a ``dict`` mapping :class:`UnnamedOpetope.Address` or ``None`` to instances of ``T``. For example, .. code-block:: python { address([], 1): { address('*'): {} }, address(['*']): { address('*'): {} }, address(['*', '*']): { address('*'): {} } } corresponds to the opetopic integer :math:`\\mathbf{3}`, while .. code-block:: python { None: { address('*'): {} } } is the :math:`3`-opetope degenerate at the arrow (the ``None`` indicates a degeneracy). """ if p == {}: return Point() a = list(p.keys())[0] if a is None: if len(p.keys()) != 1: raise DerivationError( "Proof tree of a preopetope", "Argument is not an opetope: containes address None " "indicating it is degenerate, but also other addresses. {p}", p=p) else: return Degen(ProofTree(p[None])) else: sa = sorted([x for x in p.keys() if x is not None]) # for typechecker if sa[0] != Address.epsilon(a.dimension): raise DerivationError( "Proof tree of a preopetope", "Argument is not an opetope: doesn't contain address {e}. {p}", e=Address.epsilon(a.dimension), p=p) res = Shift(ProofTree(p[sa[0]])) # type: RuleInstance for i in range(1, len(sa)): res = Graft(res, ProofTree(p[sa[i]]), sa[i]) res.eval() return res