Source code for opetopy.UnnamedOpetopicSet

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. module:: UnnamedOpetopicSet
   :synopsis: Implementation of the unnamed approach for opetopic sets

.. moduleauthor:: Cédric HT


from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

from opetopy.common import *
from opetopy import UnnamedOpetope

[docs]class Variable: """ A variable is just a string representing its name, annotated by an opetope (:class:`UnnamedOpetope.Preopetope`) representing its shape. To construct a variable, however, not only does the shape need to be specified, but its whole proof tree. """ name: str shapeProof: UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance shapeSequent: UnnamedOpetope.Sequent # For optimization purposes
[docs] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """ Tests syntactic equality between two variables. Two variables are equal if they have the same name and the same shape. """ if not isinstance(other, Variable): raise NotImplementedError return ==
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, shapeProof: UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance) -> None: = name self.shapeProof = shapeProof self.shapeSequent = shapeProof.eval()
[docs] def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return not (self == other)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{name} : {shape}".format(, shape=repr(self.shape))
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return
@property def shape(self) -> UnnamedOpetope.Preopetope: """ Returns the actual shape (:class:`UnnamedOpetope.Preopetope`) of the variable, from the proof tree (:class:`UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance`) that was provided at its creation. """ return self.shapeSequent.source
[docs] def shapeTarget(self) -> UnnamedOpetope.Preopetope: """ Returns the shape target (:class:`UnnamedOpetope.Preopetope`) of the variable, from the proof tree (:class:`UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance`) that was provided at its creation. """ return
[docs] def toTex(self) -> str: """ Returns the string representation of the variable, which is really just the variable name. """ return
[docs]class PastingDiagram: """ A pasting diagram consist in a shape :math:`\\omega` (:class:`UnnamedOpetope.Preopetope`) and * if :math:`\\omega` is not degenerate, a mapping :math:`f : \\omega^\\bullet \\longrightarrow \\mathbb{V}` such that :math:`f (\\mathsf{s}_{[p]} \\omega)^\\natural = f([p])^\\natural`, where :math:`\\mathbb{V}` is the set of variable (:class:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.Variable`); this case is implemented in :class:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.NonDegeneratePastingDiagram`; * if :math:`\\omega` is degenerate, say :math:`\\omega = \\{\\{\\phi`, a variable of shape :math:`\\phi`; this case is implemented in :class:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.DegeneratePastingDiagram`. """ degeneracy: Optional[str] nodes: Optional[Dict[UnnamedOpetope.Address, str]] shapeSequent: UnnamedOpetope.Sequent # For optimization purposes shapeProof: UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance
[docs] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, PastingDiagram): raise NotImplementedError else: return self.shape == other.shape and \ self.degeneracy == other.degeneracy and \ self.nodes == other.nodes
[docs] def __getitem__(self, addr: UnnamedOpetope.Address) -> str: """ Returns the source variable at ``addr`` of a non degenerate pasting diagram. """ if self.nodes is None: raise DerivationError( "Pasting diagram, source", "Cannot compute a source of a degenerate pasting diagram") elif addr not in self.nodes.keys(): raise DerivationError( "Pasting diagram, source", "Address {addr} is not an address of the pasting diagram {pd}", addr=repr(addr), pd=repr(self)) else: return self.nodes[addr]
[docs] def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return not (self == other)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: if self.degeneracy is None: if self.nodes is None: raise RuntimeError("[Pasting diagram, to string] Both the " "degeneracy and node dict of the pasting " "diagram are None. In valid derivations, " "this should not happen") if self.shape == UnnamedOpetope.point().source: return "⧫" else: lines = [str(addr) + " ← " + str(self.nodes[addr]) for addr in self.nodes.keys()] return "{" + ", ".join(lines) + "}" else: return "{{" + str(self.degeneracy) + "}}"
[docs] def degeneracyVariable(self) -> str: """ Returns the degeneracy variable, or raises an exception if the pasting diagram is not degenerate. """ if self.degeneracy is None: raise DerivationError( "Degenerate pasting diagram, get degeneracy", "Pasting diagram is not degenerate") else: return self.degeneracy
[docs] @staticmethod def degeneratePastingDiagram( shapeProof: UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance, degeneracy: str) -> 'PastingDiagram': """ Creates a degenerate pasting diagram. """ res = PastingDiagram() res.nodes = None res.shapeProof = shapeProof res.shapeSequent = shapeProof.eval() if not res.shape.isDegenerate: raise DerivationError( "Degenerate pasting diagram, creation", "Provided shape is not degenerate") elif res.shape.degeneracy is None: raise RuntimeError("[Degenerate pasting diagram, creation] " "Provided shape is degenerate but does not " "have any degeneracy. In valid proof trees, " "this should not happen") res.degeneracy = degeneracy return res
[docs] @staticmethod def point(): """ Creates the trivial pasting diagram with shape the point """ return PastingDiagram.nonDegeneratePastingDiagram( UnnamedOpetope.Point(), {})
[docs] @staticmethod def nonDegeneratePastingDiagram( shapeProof: UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance, nodes: Dict[UnnamedOpetope.Address, str]) -> 'PastingDiagram': """ Creates a non degenerate pasting diagram. """ res = PastingDiagram() res.degeneracy = None res.shapeProof = shapeProof res.shapeSequent = shapeProof.eval() if res.shape.isDegenerate: raise DerivationError( "Non degenerate pasting diagram, creation", "Provided shape is degenerate") elif set(res.shape.nodes.keys()) != set(nodes.keys()): raise DerivationError( "Non degenerate pasting diagram, creation", "Node mapping domain doesn't match with the set of addresses " "of the shape") res.nodes = nodes return res
@property def shape(self) -> UnnamedOpetope.Preopetope: """ Returns the actual shape (:class:`UnnamedOpetope.Preopetope`) of the pasting diagram, from the proof tree (:class:`UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance`) that was provided at its creation. """ return self.shapeSequent.source
[docs] def shapeTarget(self) -> UnnamedOpetope.Preopetope: """ Returns the shape target (:class:`UnnamedOpetope.Preopetope`) of the pasting diagram, from the proof tree (:class:`UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance`) that was provided at its creation. """ return
[docs] def source(self, addr: UnnamedOpetope.Address) -> str: """ Returns the variable name at address ``addr``, or raises an exception if the pasting diagram is degenerate """ if self.nodes is None: raise DerivationError( "Non degenerate pasting diagram, get source", "Pasting diagram is degenerate") elif addr not in self.nodes.keys(): raise DerivationError( "Non degenerate pasting diagram, get source", "Address {addr} not in pasting diagram {pd}", addr=addr, pd=self) else: return self.nodes[addr]
def toTex(self) -> str: if self.degeneracy is None: if self.nodes is None: raise RuntimeError("[Pasting diagram, to TeX] Both the " "degeneracy and node dict of the pasting " "diagram are None. In valid derivations, " "this should not happen") if self.shape == UnnamedOpetope.point().source: return "\\optZero" else: lines = [addr.toTex() + " \\sep " + self.nodes[addr] for addr in self.nodes.keys()] return "\\opetope{" + " \\\\ ".join(lines) + "}" else: return "\\degenopetope{" + self.degeneracy + "}"
[docs]class Type: """ A type consist in * a source pasting diagram (:class:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.PastingDiagram`), say :math:`\\mathbf{P}`, * a target variable (:class:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.Variable`), say :math:`x`, such that :math:`\\mathsf{t} \\mathbf{P}^\\natural = x^\\natural` """ source: PastingDiagram target: Optional[Variable]
[docs] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Type): raise NotImplementedError else: return self.source == other.source and ==
[docs] def __init__(self, source: PastingDiagram, target: Optional[Variable]) -> None: if target is None: if source.shape != UnnamedOpetope.Point().eval().source: raise DerivationError( "Type, creation", "Source pasting diagram is not a point, but target is " "unspecified") elif source.shapeTarget() != target.shape: raise DerivationError( "Type, creation", "Target variable {var} has shape {shape}, should have " "{should}", var=str(target), shape=target.shape, should=source.shapeTarget()) self.source = source = target
[docs] def __ne__(self, other) -> bool: return not (self == other)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: if is None: return repr(self.source) else: return "{src}{tgt}".format( src=repr(self.source), tgt=repr(
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: if is None: return str(self.source) else: return "{src}{tgt}".format( src=str(self.source), tgt=str(
def toTex(self) -> str: if is None: return self.source.toTex() else: return "{src} \\longrightarrow {tgt}".format( src=self.source.toTex(),
[docs]class Typing: """ A typing consists in * a variable :class:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.Variable`, say :math:`v`, * a type :class:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.Type`, say :math:`\\mathbf{P} \\longrightarrow t` such that :math:`x^\\natural = \\mathbf{P}^\\natural`. """ type: Type variable: Variable
[docs] def __init__(self, variable: Variable, type: Type) -> None: if variable.shape != type.source.shape: raise DerivationError( "Typing, creation", "Variable {var} cannot have type {type} as shapes do not " "match", var=str(variable), type=type) self.type = type self.variable = variable
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.variable) + " : " + str(self.type)
def toTex(self) -> str: return "{var} : {type}".format( var=self.variable.toTex(), type=self.type.toTex())
[docs]class Context(Set[Typing]): """ A context is a set of tyings (see :class:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.Typing`). """
[docs] def __add__(self, typing: Typing) -> 'Context': """ Adds a variable typing to a deep copy of the context context, if the typed variable isn't already typed in the context. """ if typing.variable in self: raise DerivationError( "Context, new typing", "Variable {var} is already typed in this context", var=str(typing.variable)) else: res = deepcopy(self) res.add(typing) return res
[docs] def __contains__(self, var) -> bool: """ Tests wether the variable ``var`` is typed in this context. """ if not isinstance(var, Variable): raise NotImplementedError for typing in self: if var == typing.variable: return True return False
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Typing: """ Returns typing whose variable name is ``name``. """ for t in self: if == name: return t raise DerivationError( "Context, get typing", "Variable {name} not typed in context", name=name)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return ", ".join([str(self[v]) for v in sorted(self.variableNames())])
[docs] def source(self, name: str, addr: UnnamedOpetope.Address) -> str: """ Returns the source at address ``addr`` of the variable whose name is ``name``. """ return self[name].type.source[addr]
[docs] def target(self, name: str) -> str: """ Returns the target of the variable whose name is ``name``. """ res = self[name] if self[name].type.source.shape == \ UnnamedOpetope.Point().eval().source: raise DerivationError( "Context, target of variable", "Variable {var} is a point, and do not have a target", var=name) elif res is None: raise RuntimeError("[Context, target of variable] Variable {var} " "is not a point, but has no target. In valid " "derivations, this should not happen".format( var=name)) return
def toTex(self) -> str: return ", ".join([t.toTex() for t in self])
[docs] def variableNames(self) -> List[str]: """ Return a list containing all variable names typed in this context. """ variables = [] # type: List[str] for t in self: variables += return variables
[docs]class Sequent: """ A sequent is composed of * a context (:class:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.Context`); * optionally, a pasting diagram (:class:`UnnamedOpetopicSet`.PastingDiagram). """ context: Context pastingDiagram: Optional[PastingDiagram]
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Variable: """ Returns the variable in the sequent's context whose name is ``name``. Note that unlike :func:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.Context.__getitem__`, this function returns a :class:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.Variable` (and not a :class:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.Typing`) """ return self.context[name].variable
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: """ Creates a sequent with an empty context, and no pasting diagram. """ self.context = Context() self.pastingDiagram = None
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: pd = "" if self.pastingDiagram is not None: pd = str(self.pastingDiagram) res = "ctx = {" for v in sorted(self.context.variableNames()): res += "\n " + str(self.context[v]) res += "\npd =" + pd return res
def toTex(self) -> str: pd = "" if self.pastingDiagram is not None: pd = self.pastingDiagram.toTex() return "{ctx} \\vdash {pd}".format( ctx=self.context.toTex(), pd=pd)
[docs]def point(seq: Sequent, name: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Sequent: """ The :math:`\\textbf{OptSet${}^?$}` :math:`\\texttt{point}` rule. * If argument ``name`` is a ``str``, creates a new point with that name (this is just the :math:`\\texttt{point}`); * if it is a list of ``str``, then creates as many points. """ if isinstance(name, list): res = seq for n in name: res = point(res, n) return res elif isinstance(name, str): if seq.pastingDiagram is not None: raise DerivationError( "point rule", "Sequent cannot have a pasting diagram") var = Variable(name, UnnamedOpetope.Point()) if var in seq.context: raise DerivationError( "point rule", "Point shaped variable {name} is already typed in context " "{ctx}", name=name, ctx=str(seq.context)) res = deepcopy(seq) res.context = res.context + Typing( var, Type(PastingDiagram.point(), None)) return res else: raise DerivationError( "point rule", "Argument name is expected to be a str or list of str")
[docs]def degen(seq: Sequent, name: str) -> Sequent: """ The :math:`\\textbf{OptSet${}^?$}` :math:`\\texttt{degen}` rule. """ if seq.pastingDiagram is not None: raise DerivationError( "degen rule", "Sequent cannot have a pasting diagram") res = deepcopy(seq) res.pastingDiagram = PastingDiagram.degeneratePastingDiagram( UnnamedOpetope.Degen(seq.context[name].variable.shapeProof), name) return res
[docs]def graft(seq: Sequent, pd: PastingDiagram) -> Sequent: """ The :math:`\\textbf{OptSet${}^?$}` :math:`\\texttt{graft}` rule. """ if pd.nodes is None: raise DerivationError( "graft rule", "Parameter pasting diagram cannot be degenerate") # Shape checking omega = pd.shape for addr in pd.nodes.keys(): psi = seq[pd.nodes[addr]].shape if psi != omega.source(addr): raise DerivationError( "graft rule", "Variable {var} has incompatible shape {psi}, should have " "{should}", var=seq[pd.nodes[addr]].name, psi=repr(psi), should=repr(omega.source(addr))) # [Inner] axiom for pj in pd.nodes.keys(): if not pj.isEpsilon(): pi, q = pj.edgeDecomposition() xi = pd.nodes[pi] xj = pd.nodes[pj] if != seq.context.source(xi, q): raise DerivationError( "graft rule", "Parameter pasting diagram doesn't satisfy axiom [Inner]: " "variables {xi} and {xj} don't agree on the decoration of " "edge {edge}", xi=repr(xi), xj=repr(xj), edge=repr(pj)) res = deepcopy(seq) res.pastingDiagram = deepcopy(pd) return res
[docs]def shift(seq: Sequent, targetName: str, name: str) -> Sequent: """ The :math:`\\textbf{OptSet${}^?$}` :math:`\\texttt{shift}` rule. """ if seq.pastingDiagram is None: raise DerivationError( "shift rule", "Sequent must have a pasting diagram") P = seq.pastingDiagram omega = P.shape readdress = P.shapeProof.eval().context n = omega.dimension x = seq.context[targetName].variable a = seq.context[targetName] Q = seq.context[targetName].type.source if x.shape != P.shapeTarget(): raise DerivationError( "shift rule", "Target variable {var} has shape {shape} should have {should}", var=repr(x), shape=repr(x.shape), should=repr(P.shapeTarget())) if omega.isDegenerate: if a is None: # x is a point raise RuntimeError("[shift rule] Variable {x} has a degenerate " "shape but no target. In valid derivations, " "this should not happen") # [Degen] axiom if Q.nodes != {UnnamedOpetope.Address.epsilon(n - 2):}: raise DerivationError( "shift rule", "Target variable {var}'s source is expected to be globular at " "{var}'s target", var=repr(x)) else: # [Glob1] axiom r = P[UnnamedOpetope.Address.epsilon(n - 1)] if a is None: # x is a point if seq.context[r] is not None: # r must be a point raise DerivationError( "shift rule", "Axiom [Glob1] is not satisfied: variable {x} is a point, " "should have target {should}", x=repr(x), should=repr(seq.context[r] else: b = if b != raise DerivationError( "shift rule", "Axiom [Glob1] is not satisfied: variable {x} has target " "{a}, should have {should}", x=repr(x),, should=repr(b)) # [Glob2] axiom for l in omega.leafAddresses(): p, q = l.edgeDecomposition() sP = seq.context.source(P[p], q) sx = seq.context.source(, readdress(l)) if sP != sx: raise DerivationError( "shift rule", "Axiom [Glob2] is not satisfied: variable {x} has {addr} " "source {sx}, should have {should}", x=repr(x), addr=repr(readdress(l)), sx=repr(sx), should=repr(sP)) res = Sequent() res.context = seq.context + Typing( Variable(name, seq.pastingDiagram.shapeProof), Type(deepcopy(seq.pastingDiagram), x)) return res
[docs]class RuleInstance(AbstractRuleInstance): """ A rule instance of system :math:`\\textbf{OptSet${}^?$}`. """
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Pure virtual method evaluating a proof tree and returning the final conclusion sequent, or raising an exception if the proof is invalid. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Point(RuleInstance): """ A class representing an instance of the :math:`\\texttt{point}` rule in a proof tree. """ name: Union[str, List[str]] proofTree: Optional[RuleInstance]
[docs] def __init__(self, p: Optional[RuleInstance], name: Union[str, List[str]]) -> None: = name self.proofTree = p
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.proofTree is None: prepr = "" else: prepr = repr(self.proofTree) return "Point(" + prepr + "," + str( + ")"
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: if self.proofTree is None: pstr = "" else: pstr = str(self.proofTree) return "Point(" + pstr + ", " + str( + ")"
[docs] def _toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the proof tree in TeX code. This method should not be called directly, use :meth:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.RuleInstance.toTex` instead. """ if self.proofTree is None: ptex = "\\AxiomC{}" else: ptex = self.proofTree._toTex() if isinstance(, str): namestr = else: namestr = "(" + ", ".join( + ")" return ptex + "\n\t\\RightLabel{\\texttt{point-$" + namestr + \ "$}}\n\t\\UnaryInfC{$" + self.eval().toTex() + "$}"
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Evaluates the proof tree. """ if self.proofTree is None: return point(Sequent(), else: return point(self.proofTree.eval(),
[docs]class Degen(RuleInstance): """ A class representing an instance of the :math:`\\texttt{degen}` rule in a proof tree. """ name: str proofTree: RuleInstance
[docs] def __init__(self, p: RuleInstance, name: str) -> None: = name self.proofTree = p
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Degen(" + repr(self.proofTree) + "," + + ")"
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "Degen(" + str(self.proofTree) + ", " + + ")"
[docs] def _toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the proof tree in TeX code. This method should not be called directly, use :meth:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.RuleInstance.toTex` instead. """ return self.proofTree._toTex() + \ "\n\t\\RightLabel{\\texttt{degen}}\n\t\\UnaryInfC{$" + \ self.eval().toTex() + "$}"
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Evaluates the proof tree. """ return degen(self.proofTree.eval(),
[docs]class Graft(RuleInstance): """ A class representing an instance of the :math:`\\texttt{graft}` rule in a proof tree. """ pastingDiagram: PastingDiagram proofTree: RuleInstance
[docs] def __init__(self, p: RuleInstance, pd: PastingDiagram) -> None: self.pastingDiagram = pd self.proofTree = p
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Graft({})".format(repr(self.proofTree))
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "Graft({})".format(str(self.proofTree))
[docs] def _toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the proof tree in TeX code. This method should not be called directly, use :meth:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.RuleInstance.toTex` instead. """ return self.proofTree._toTex() + \ "\n\t\\RightLabel{\\texttt{graft}}\n\t\\UnaryInfC{$" + \ self.eval().toTex() + "$}"
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Evaluates the proof tree. """ return graft(self.proofTree.eval(), self.pastingDiagram)
[docs]class Shift(RuleInstance): """ A class representing an instance of the :math:`\\texttt{shift}` rule in a proof tree. """ name: str proofTree: RuleInstance targetName: str
[docs] def __init__(self, p: RuleInstance, targetName: str, name: str) -> None: = name self.proofTree = p self.targetName = targetName
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Shift(" + repr(self.proofTree) + "," + + ")"
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return "Shift(" + str(self.proofTree) + ", " + + ")"
[docs] def _toTex(self) -> str: """ Converts the proof tree in TeX code. This method should not be called directly, use :meth:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.RuleInstance.toTex` instead. """ return self.proofTree._toTex() + \ "\n\t\\RightLabel{\\texttt{shift}}\n\t\\UnaryInfC{$" + \ self.eval().toTex() + "$}"
[docs] def eval(self) -> Sequent: """ Evaluates the proof tree. """ return shift(self.proofTree.eval(), self.targetName,
[docs]def pastingDiagram(shapeProof: UnnamedOpetope.RuleInstance, args: Union[Dict[UnnamedOpetope.Address, str], str]) \ -> PastingDiagram: """ Convenient function that regroups :meth:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.PastingDiagram.degeneratePastingDiagram` and :meth:`UnnamedOpetopicSet.PastingDiagram.nonDegeneratePastingDiagram`. It calls either depending on the shape opetope. """ shape = shapeProof.eval().source if shape.isDegenerate: if isinstance(args, str): return PastingDiagram.degeneratePastingDiagram( shapeProof, args) else: raise DerivationError( "Pasting diagram creation", "Second argument is expected to be a variable name, since " "shape is degenerate") else: if isinstance(args, dict): return PastingDiagram.nonDegeneratePastingDiagram( shapeProof, args) else: raise DerivationError( "Pasting diagram creation", "Second argument is expected to be a address-to-variable-name " "mapping, since shape is non degenerate")