Opetopic categories: unnamed approach ************************************* This part of ``opetopy`` implements finite opetopic categories as defined in [Baez1998]_ and [Finster]_. .. [Baez1998] Baez, John C. and Dolan, James. Higher-dimensional algebra III: :math:`n`-categories and the algebra of opetopes. .. [Finster] Eric Finster. http://opetopic.net . Examples ======== .. _uoptcat-ex-fill-tgt: Filler of target horn --------------------- In this simple example, we use the target filling of a pasting diagram of shape :math:`\mathbf{2}`, effectively composing arrow cells :math:`f` and :math:`g`. The result is the arrow :math:`h`, and the compositor is :math:`\alpha`. .. literalinclude:: ../tests/test_unnamedopetopiccategory_tfill.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 4- .. literalinclude:: build/tests/test_unnamedopetopiccategory_tfill.out :linenos: Target universal property ------------------------- In this example, we have two cells of shape :math:`\mathbf{0}`: * :math:`\delta`, degenerate at :math:`a` with target :math:`f`, constructed via rules :math:`\texttt{degen}` and :math:`\texttt{fill}` of system :math:`\textbf{OptSet${}^?$}`; * :math:`\gamma`, constructed by filling the empty pasting diagram at :math:`a`, with universal target :math:`g`. We then apply the target universal property of :math:`\gamma` over :math:`\delta` to get a factorization cell :math:`\xi` and a filler :math:`A`. .. literalinclude:: ../tests/test_unnamedopetopiccategory_tuniv.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 4- .. literalinclude:: build/tests/test_unnamedopetopiccategory_tuniv.out :linenos: Source universal property ------------------------- This example is a continuation of that presented in :ref:`uoptcat-ex-fill-tgt`. We derive the following additional cells: * :math:`i`, parallel to :math:`h` (the composition of arrows :math:`f` and :math:`g`); * :math:`\beta`, from the :math:`fg` horn to :math:`i`. We then apply the target universal property of :math:`\alpha` over :math:`\beta` to obtain a factorization :math:`\xi : h \longrightarrow i` and a filler :math:`A`. We do it again, with a new factorization :math:`\zeta` and filler :math:`B`. Finally, we apply the source univerality of :math:`A` over :math:`B` to obtain a factorization :math:`C : \zeta \longrightarrow \xi`. This hints that any two factorization in the application of the target universality of the composition :math:`h` over :math:`i` are homotopic, and in fact, equivalent. .. literalinclude:: ../tests/test_unnamedopetopiccategory_suniv.py :language: python :linenos: .. literalinclude:: build/tests/test_unnamedopetopiccategory_suniv.out :linenos: Target universal closure ------------------------ In this example, we derive two target universal arrows :math:`f` and :math:`g`, and their composition :math:`h`. We then apply the target universal closure property to prove that :math:`h` is target universal. .. literalinclude:: ../tests/test_unnamedopetopiccategory_tclose.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 4- .. literalinclude:: build/tests/test_unnamedopetopiccategory_tclose.out :linenos: Documentation ============= .. automodule:: opetopy.UnnamedOpetopicCategory :members: :private-members: :special-members: